Name of Project PI: Ron Kriz
Author: Ron Kriz      Date: 6/22/98 12:00pm

Report Period: 3Q98 (Apr 1 - June 30 1998)

Name of Team: ET - Data & Collab

1. Significant results or events:

  A) continued development of LIMBO collaborative tools as
     part of the project: "CAVE Networking Supporting Multi-User
     Virtual Environments".  Specifically Kevin Curry and Kent 
     Swartz enhanced Limbo to include awarness tools that support 
     Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW) such as

       - 2D and 3D radar to enhance awarness of hidden participants
       - List of participant names and distances

  B) Human Computer Interaction (HCI) report on Crumbs in progress.
     Results will be posted in next QSR.

  C) Community outreach: initiated a project to provide a high speed 
     (150Mb/sec) wireless data link between the Virginia Tech CAVE and 
     the Blacksburg Montgomery County Hospital so that radiologists
     can use Crumbs to analyze their MRI and X-Ray CAT scans in 3D.

2. Expected results, progress and/or events in the coming quarter:

  A) Future CSCW awarness tools in LIMBO will include

     - participant list will function as a menu
     - participants can choose to teleport to other locations
     - clean up and enhance 3D radar tool to include more features
     - participant can design interface to convey relevant information
        unique to type of and level of participation.

  B) Install lastest version of CAVE5D and/or CAVE6D that includes
     the use of CAVERNsoft and implement the most recent LIMBO CSCW 
     awarness tools in CAVE5D. 
  C) HCI results on Crumbs.

3. Any proposed changes to project plan:

  A) From a meeting with ODU on June 18, 1998, we agreed to use CAVE6D
     as a test bed for developing collaborative awarness tools using 
     LIMBO with quidance from AT - Env Hydrology team at ODU.

  B) Virginia's Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) awarded the 
     Virginia Tech CAVE a $29K study award to explore the formation
     of a CIT Virtual Reality Center. The study will indentify key
     universities, industries, and government sites who will benefit
     from the formation of such a center.  Tentative plans are to create
     a distribute center that uses collaborative Virtual Environment
     tools such as LIMBO where there is an emphasis on using high speed

4. Meetings attended last quarter:


5. Alliance-related publications and presentations


6. Alliance-related proposals and awards:

     A) Navy Collaborative Integrated Information Technology Intitiative
        (NAVCIITI), ONR BAA 98-014, Funding $3M, Duration September 2002,
        Submitted May 28, 1998, Status pending.

7. Prizes awarded to Alliance members:


                               END OF 3QSR98