Navy Collaborative Integrated Information Technology Initiative (NAVCIITI)
of the Advanced Communications and Information Technology (ACITC)

Office of Naval Research

Ken Reifsnider, Principle Investigator

NAVCIITI Operating Committee Review

April 6, 2001
Virgnia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia

NAVCIITI Task 2.1a: Command & Control Visualization

Ron Kriz, CoPI

Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

"Civilization advances by extending the number of important
operations we can perform without thinking about them."

                                                                    Alfred North Whitehead, 1911

Objective of project: Provide a distributed collaborative network of graphical and device independent tools in a shared virtual environment which can be used by Command and Control (C&C) personnel to gain a strategic advantage.

Please send your comments and questions to Ron Kriz at:
Last Revision April 1, 2001