File format works only in COSMO, not in the CAVEAn abbreviated file format, that is not properly formated, will load the correct color map into a VRML Web browser plugin but will not load the correct color map into the DIVERSifly desktop CAVE simulator. Image on the left shows the color map is loaded correctly into a COSMO Web browser plugin. Image on the right shows the color map is not loaded correclty when the same file, which is renamed with the *.iv file extension, is loaded into the DIVERSifly desktop CAVE simulator.
COSMO: NW_ws2_alpha.wrl / NW_ws2_alpha.wrl.txt DIVERSifly: NW_ws2_alpha.iv / NW_ws2_alpha.iv.txt
File format works in COSMO and in the CAVEThe following abbreviated VRML file is an example of a file format that is properly working. This file format will will map the correct colors both in a VRML COSMO Web browser plugin and DIVERSifly.
COSMO: Try it ws2_alpha.wrl / ws2_alpha.wrl.txt DIVERSifly: Try it ws2_alpha.iv / ws2_alpha.iv.txt
Translucency Included with Correct Color Mapping Format:
In this example we have added translucency to look at three connected wave surfaces propagating in an anisotropic orthorhomic crystal:
Try it out: