Here is the Fortran Program for Molecular Dynamics Excersise

Subroutines for Potential Energy and Force are included
* molec_dyn.f * Molecular dynamics for n particles, L-J potential, 3 dimensions. * Verlet's algorithm used to integrate equations of motion. * Reads data from input file and writes results to md.out. * Edited version omits date information *********************************************************************** * This work has been supported by the National Science Foundation * under an Educational Infrastructure grant, CDA-9017953. It has * been produced by the HPSC Group, Department of Computer Science, * University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309. Please direct * comments or queries to Elizabeth Jessup at this address or e-mail * ************************************************************************ IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER B1, B2, I, ITMP, K, NATOM, NATOMX, NSTEP, PRNFREQ PARAMETER (NATOMX = 50) ***************************************************************************************** * B1,B2 - Buffer indices. * ITMP - Temporary variable, for switching buffer index values. * I - Loop index. * K - Current time step. (OUT) * NATOM - number of atoms in chain. (IN) * NATOMX - Maximum number of atoms permitted in chain. * NSTEP - Number of time steps in computation. * PRNFREQ - Number of time steps between printing. ****************************************************************************************** DOUBLE PRECISION H, HO2, HP, PE, KE, TEND, $ X(NATOMX), Y(NATOMX), Z(NATOMX), $ U(NATOMX), V(NATOMX), W(NATOMX), $ FX(NATOMX,2), FY(NATOMX,2), FZ(NATOMX,2), $ POTENTIAL_LJ OPEN (UNIT = 2, FILE = '') OPEN (UNIT = 3, FILE = 'md.out') ******************************************************************************************** * H - Time step. (IN) * HO2 - h/2. * HP - Time interval between printing. (IN) * PE - Potential energy of the system. (OUT) * KE - Kinetic energy of the system. (OUT) * TEND - Time at end of computation: TEND = H*NSTEP. (IN) * FX(),FY(),FZ() - Force vectors in x,y,z directions. * X(),Y(),Z() - Position vectors in x,y,z directions. (IN/OUT) * U(),V(),W() - Velocity vectors in x,y,z directions. (IN/OUT) * POTENTIAL_LJ - Function to compute LJ potential. ********************************************************************************************** * While not done -- 10 CONTINUE * Read computation parameters READ(2,*,END=999) NATOM, H, HP, TEND * Write computation parameters WRITE(3, '(I8)') NATOM WRITE(3, '(I8)') INT(TEND/HP) * Read initial positions, velocities DO I = 1,NATOM READ(2,*) X(I), Y(I), Z(I) READ(2,*) U(I), V(I), W(I) END DO * Set initial buffer indices B1 = 1 B2 = 2 * Set parameter values NSTEP = NINT(TEND/H) PRNFREQ = NINT(HP/H) HO2 = H/2.0 * Initial forces CALL FORCE_LJ(NATOM,NATOMX,X,Y,Z,B1,FX,FY,FZ) * Print initial coordinates ! WRITE(*,*) 'Time 0 KineticEnergy PotentlEnergy TotalEnergy' ! WRITE(*,*) 'Time Atom X-Coordinate Y-Coordinate Z-Coordinate' ! WRITE(*,*) 'Time Atom X-Velocity Y-Velocity Z-Velocity' ! WRITE(*,*) ' ' K = 0 PE = POTENTIAL_LJ(NATOM,X,Y,Z) KE = 0 DO I = 1,NATOM KE = KE + (U(I)**2 + V(I)**2 + W(I)**2)/2 END DO WRITE(3,99) K*0.0, 0, PE, KE, PE+KE DO I = 1,NATOM WRITE(3,99) K*H, I, X(I), Y(I), Z(I) WRITE(3,99) K*H, I, U(I), V(I), W(I) END DO * Main loop DO K = 1, NSTEP DO I = 1,NATOM X(I) = X(I) + H*(U(I) + HO2*FX(I,B1)) Y(I) = Y(I) + H*(V(I) + HO2*FY(I,B1)) Z(I) = Z(I) + H*(W(I) + HO2*FZ(I,B1)) END DO CALL FORCE_LJ(NATOM,NATOMX,X,Y,Z,B2,FX,FY,FZ) DO I = 1,NATOM U(I) = U(I) + HO2*(FX(I,B1) + FX(I,B2)) V(I) = V(I) + HO2*(FY(I,B1) + FY(I,B2)) W(I) = W(I) + HO2*(FZ(I,B1) + FZ(I,B2)) END DO IF (MOD(K,PRNFREQ) .EQ. 0) THEN PE = POTENTIAL_LJ(NATOM,X,Y,Z) KE = 0 DO I = 1,NATOM KE = KE + (U(I)**2 + V(I)**2 + W(I)**2)/2 END DO WRITE(3,99)INT(1000.*K*H),0,PE,KE,PE+KE DO I = 1,NATOM WRITE(3,99)K*H,I,X(I),Y(I),Z(I) WRITE(3,99)K*H,I,U(I),V(I),W(I) END DO END IF ITMP = B1 B1 = B2 B2 = ITMP END DO GO TO 10 999 CONTINUE STOP 98 FORMAT (I5, 3(1PE13.6,1X)) 99 FORMAT (F13.6, 1X, I5, 1X, 3(1PE13.6,1X)) END ********************************************************************************************* *potential_lj_ymp.f * Compute potential energy from Lennard Jones interaction. * V(r) = (1/r**12 - 2/r**6) ***************************************************************************************** DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION POTENTIAL_LJ(NATOM, X, Y, Z) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER I, J, NATOM ***************************************************************************************** * I,J - Loop indices. * NATOM - Number of atoms in chain. ***************************************************************************************** DOUBLE PRECISION X(*), Y(*), Z(*), POT, RIJSQ, RIJM6 ***************************************************************************************** * X(),Y(),Z() - Position vectors in x,y,z directions. * POT - Potential energy. * RIJSQ - Reciprocal of distance between two atoms, squared. * RIJM6 - Reciprocal of distance between two atoms, * to the sixth power. ********************************************************************* * Initialize potential. POT = 0.0 * Compute potential. DO I = 1, NATOM-1 DO J = I+1, NATOM RIJSQ = 1.0/((X(I)-X(J))**2 + (Y(I)-Y(J))**2 + $ (Z(I)-Z(J))**2) RIJM6 = RIJSQ*RIJSQ*RIJSQ POT = POT + RIJM6*(RIJM6 - 2.0) END DO END DO * Potential computed. POTENTIAL_LJ = POT RETURN END ******************************************************************************************* * force_lj.f * Compute forces from Lennard Jones interaction. * V(r) = (1/r**12 - 2/r**6) ************************************************************************************* SUBROUTINE FORCE_LJ(NATOM,NATOMX,X,Y,Z,B,FX,FY,FZ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER I, J, NATOM, NATOMX, B INTEGER NATOMXX PARAMETER (NATOMXX = 50) ************************************************************************************* * I,J - Loop indices. * NATOM - Number of atoms in chain. * NATOMX - Maximum number of atoms permitted in chain. * B - Buffer index. ************************************************************************************* DOUBLE PRECISION X(*), Y(*), Z(*), $ FX(NATOMX,*), FY(NATOMX,*), FZ(NATOMX,*), $ RIJSQ, RIJM6, CIJ, FIJX(NATOMXX), $ FIJY(NATOMXX), FIJZ(NATOMXX) ************************************************************************************* * X(),Y(),Z() - Position vectors in x,y,z directions. * FX(),FY(),FZ() - Force vectors in x,y,z directions. * RIJSQ - Reciprocal of distance between two atoms, squared. * RIJM6 - Reciprocal of distance between two atoms, * to the sixth power. * CIJ - Common subexpression for forces. * FIJX,FIJY,FIJZ - Force between two atoms in x,y,z directions. ************************************************************************************** * Initialize forces. DO I = 1, NATOM FX(I,B) = 0.0 FY(I,B) = 0.0 FZ(I,B) = 0.0 END DO * Compute forces. DO I = 1, NATOM-1 DO J = I+1, NATOM RIJSQ = 1.0/((X(I)-X(J))**2 + (Y(I)-Y(J))**2 + $ (Z(I)-Z(J))**2) RIJM6 = RIJSQ*RIJSQ*RIJSQ CIJ = 12.0*(RIJM6 - 1.0)*RIJM6*RIJSQ FIJX(J) = CIJ*(X(I)-X(J)) FIJY(J) = CIJ*(Y(I)-Y(J)) FIJZ(J) = CIJ*(Z(I)-Z(J)) FX(I,B) = FX(I,B) + FIJX(J) FY(I,B) = FY(I,B) + FIJY(J) FZ(I,B) = FZ(I,B) + FIJZ(J) END DO DO J = I+1, NATOM FX(J,B) = FX(J,B) - FIJX(J) FY(J,B) = FY(J,B) - FIJY(J) FZ(J,B) = FZ(J,B) - FIJZ(J) END DO END DO * Forces computed. RETURN END