Timothy V. Writer
1205 D University Terrace
Blacksburg VA 24060
(540) 953-0647 tiwriter@vt.edu
To obtain a career in the field of Materials Science engineering with a company dealing in worldwide business.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
BS in Materials Science Engineering
Expected date of graduation - May 2000
Relevent Experience:
- Acadia Polymers 1/97 - 5/97 and 8/97 - 1/98
Co-op FEA engineer and Lab Technician.
- Adhesion testing and stress-strain testing on production and prototype polymers
- Finite Element Analysis and production part drafting
- Longo's Distributors 5/96 - 8/96
Warehouse picker and checker
- Selecting orders from warehouse
- Checking selected orders for accuracy before shipping
- Saturn of Warwick 3/93 - 8/95 (part time)
Car reconditioner
- Car reconditioning
- Stress on total quality management
- R.J.R. Nabisco Scholarship
- National Honor Society
- Computer Knowledge
- Fortran
- Autocad
- Mathmatica
- TKSolver
- MS-Office
- Technical Knowledge
- Instron
- Rheometer
- Experience with rubber mill and press mold
Availability: May 2000
References available upon request
Maintained by Timothy V. Writer
Revised Feb. 5, 1998