last updated 4/15/96
For my contribution to the class project, I will research the World Wide Web for links related to phase diagrams, and work with other members of the Scientific-Visualization Group to ensure that all images will be completed for each of the other groups.
Ben Hailer and I will be working on incorporating Billy's fortran program into a CGI map.
Unless plans change within our group, I will be working on images of; the triple point of water (for Grace), CuZn (for Analytical Concepts), and Nd-Fe-B (for Garrett) . I will also be working on finding more links on the Internet that may be of use to the incoming sophomores in MSE 2034-2044.
I intend to post the following links onto our growing links page, along with any more that are found in Web research:
Some of the above links may already have been found by someone, and if they are I will edit them from my list. I will also continue my research on the 'Net for more links that may be helpful, and I will be writing a short description for each link.