Resume for Susan Holt

Susan Marie Holt

College Address		      				Permanent Address

5103 East Ambler Johnston					Rt. 1  Box 273B 

Blacksburg, VA 24060-0021					Draper, VA  24324

(703) 232-4147						(703)  766-3161

Objective: Lab Assistant

Education: B.S., Materials Science and Engineering (Expected May 1997) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA Concentration: Ceramics and electronic materials

Related Experience: Participant of ECOES, Summer 1991 Exploring Career Opportunities in Engineering and Science Stevens Institute of Technology, Jersey City, New Jersey

Lab Assistant, 1990 (Summer) La Roche Junior Science Camp

Employment: Data Entry Specialist/Customer Service Representative, February-August 1994 Warner-Lambert Corporation, Dublin, VA (Through Bright Services, Christiansburg, VA)

Data Entry Specialist, September-December 1993 Pulaski Furniture Incorporated, Pulaski, VA (Through Bright Services, Christiansburg, VA)

Systems Analyst and Data Entry Specialist, June-August 1993 Magnox Pulaski Incorporated, Pulaski, VA

Computer Skills: Working knowledge of Word for Windows, Lotus 1-2-3, Quicken, C, TK Solver, Cadkey, Word Perfect, Quatro Pro, Auto CAD R12

Activities: Secretary: SAMPE, TMS/ASM, and ACerS; Fencing Club; Marching Virginians (VA Tech's Marching Band)