Spring 2009, CRN# 12960 |
INSTRUCTOR: | Ronald D. Kriz, 300C Norris Hall, 231-4386 |
Office Hours | T-Th, 3:30-5:00 pm, Norris Hall, Room 300C, 231-4386 Other times by appointment only; email, rkriz@vt.edu, the day before. I am away from my desk most of the time so email is the best way to contact me. See instructor for special arrangements for regularly scheduled meetings. |
Text | Class notes and handouts |
Prerequisite | ESM 5014: Continuum Mechanics |
Letter Grades | A:100-93; A-:92-90 B+:89-87; B:86-83; B-:82-80 C+:79-77 C:76-73 C-:72-70 D+:69-67 D:66-63 D-:62-60 F:59-0 |
Through out this semester students are encouraged to
contact Dr. R.D. Kriz via email at rkriz@vt.edu
Interactive Web based simulations of wave propagation
topics disccused in class:
(NOTE: Simulations require a Java enabled Web browser with VRML1-2 plugins)
3D Cijkl Wavesurfaces: Wave surface geometry defined as it represents the fourth order stiffenss tensor, Cijkl. VRML files viewable with Cosmo Plugin ( download for Windows Web browsers) or with the Cortona Plugin ( ParallelGraphics Inc.: for Windows, Mac and MacOS-X). Students can also access details on how-to-create these wave surfaces. NOTE: links below access older VRML-1 and newer VRML-2 files. Future development of Cijkl glyphs using the X3D ISO standard file format will take about six months to develop. Let's hope the X3D ?standard? lasts longer than five years. Comments on these every changing ?standards? .
End of Information for ESM5344
Engineering Science and Mechanics: ESM5344
Any comments and suggestions about the material presented above,
Original: http://www.sv.vt.edu/classes/ESM5344/ESM5344_kriz_NoteBook/ESM5344_kriz.html
Spring 2009
please contact Ron Kriz at rkriz@vt.edu
Virginia Tech
College of Engineering
Current: http://www.sv.rkriz.net/classes/ESM5344/ESM5344_kriz_NoteBook/ESM5344_kriz.html