Scientific Visual Data Analysis and Multimedia
Exercise #13: Lorenz 3D Attractor Map
NOTE: Highlighted italic text denotes user response.
Create a 3D visual display of a
Lorenz attractor and study the structure-time relationship by manipulating
a color table (palette), where one portion of the color palette is used to
represent time and another portion of the color palette is reserved for
plotting background and axis line colors.
- Logon onto mercury -> at the VT-CAVE classroom (SMVC).
- Mount your optical disk (see procedure for mounting scsi devices).
- Go to the ESM4714/examples directory.
- Locate the directory that contains PV-Wave procedure files for generating an
image of a Lorenz attractor and corresponding color maps and then start wave.
- viz?% cd /opdisk/examples/color/lorenz
- viz?% ls -lag
- viz?% wave
- wave>_
- File transfer the rainbow.pal color palette from the Mac to the Sun (this
color palette can be found in SciViz Tools/NCSA Tools/PALEDIT on viz3 or viz4).
- Convert this Mac color palette to a Sun color palette.
- viz?% itoa.x < ranibow.pal > mac_rainbow.ascii
- viz?% wave
- wave> device,pseudo_color=8  
(Note: Setup for Sparc20s in Viz lab)
- Depending on your particular graphics hardware configuration, other or
different devices
may need to be declared before proceeding. Consult
PV-Wave documentation Appendix
on "Output Devices and Window Systems".
To determine your particular graphcis
configuration, at the wave prompt
enter:   wave> info,/device
- wave> adj_ct_mactosun,240
- **** Read-in Mac color-map filname ****
- : mac_rainbow.ascii
- **** Write-out Sun color-map filename ****
- : sun_240_rainbow.ascii
- Check the color palette just created.
- wave> l_color,240
- **** Enter file name for color map to be loaded ****
- :sun_240_rainbow.ascii
- wave> palette
- The PV-Wave command palette generates an interactive color
palette shown below, where
the Red, Green, and Blue intensities can
be manipulated with the left mouse button. Two
colors at the end
of the color spectrum are set to "255" (white) and "0" (black) and
reserved for plotting grid lines, coordinate axes, and
background in the PV-Wave procedure
files and These two reserved colors are not part of the rainbow
color palette that is used by to plot time as color.
Although these end colors can be set with the PV-Wave procedure file
palette, in this example
the white and black colors
were originally
set in the color palette mac_rainbow.ascii, where
256 pixels (0-255)
were used to define the Red, Green, and Blue color palette. The PV-Wave
procedure file rescaled the 256 (0-255) colors in the
color palette to 240 (0-239) colors in the
sun_240_rainbow.ascii color palette.
- Create a color bar with 240 r-g-b colors, but reserve the 239-th and 0-th
pixels in the color palette for background and line colors.
- wave> m_bar,240,0,239
- **** Enter filename for color map to be loaded ****
- : sun_240_rainbow.ascii (where pixel-0=white ["256"] and pixel-239=black ["0"])
- Draw a Lorenz attractor image using 240 (0-239) colors with a black axis and a white background:
pixel-0=white (background) and pixel-239=black (axes).
- wave> m_lorenz,240,0,239
- **** enter filename for color map to be loaded ****
- : sun_240_rainbow.ascii
- Modify the color map so that pixel-0=black and pixel-239=white.
- wave> m_color,240
- **** Enter file name for altered color map ****
- : sun_240_mod_rainbow.ascii
- **** Use existing color / Choose new color (0/1) ****
- : 0 (an adjustable color palette appears, see above image)
- Change the 0-th pixel from white to black and the 239-th pixel from black to white.
- The Lorenz attractor image, shown above with a white background, is modified and shown below.
- Note that this change in background and axis line colors did not effect the colors on
the Lorenz
attractor. The PV-Wave procedure file is constructed so
that the end colors on
the rainbow color palette are reserved for the background
and axis line colors and the rainbow
colors are reserved for plotting time
on the attractor plot. This is an example of how a special
color palette can be
constructed so that different portions of the color palette can be used for
Click image to return to Visualization home page.
R.D. Kriz
Virginia Tech
College of Engineering
Revised 01/10/99