Turbine Fan CT Data Organization on Optical Disk

kriz directory list:

total 21136
drwxr-xr-x  6 class    esm           512 Oct  3 00:36 .
drwxr-xr-x  8 class    esm           512 Oct  2 19:51 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 class    esm             0 Oct  3 00:36 List.kriz
-rw-r--r--  1 class    esm          1455 Oct  3 00:01 README_chart
-rw-r--r--  1 class    esm       4114072 Oct  3 00:02 fan.128_ascii
-rw-r--r--  1 class    esm      16456102 Oct  3 00:02 fan.256_ascii
-rw-r--r--  1 class    esm       1028518 Oct  3 00:02 fan.64_ascii
drwxr-xr-x  2 class    esm           512 Oct  3 00:11 make_ascii
drwxr-xr-x  2 class    esm           512 Oct  3 00:04 make_bin
drwxr-xr-x  4 class    esm           512 Oct  2 23:47 make_hdf
drwxr-xr-x  2 class    esm           512 Oct  2 22:13 wave_procedures

There are some other PV_Wave and HDF programs that you might want to look at.


                Tree Structure for Creating Binary and HDF files

        Below is a simple tree diagram that represents the directories
        used to construct the files to draw a CAT scan of a turbine
        fan blade.  We start with ascii files in the kriz directory and
        create HDF and binary files which can than be visualized with
        Spyglass and NCSA software.

                                   (0)  kriz (directory)
                                         /    |     \            fan.64_ascii
                                        /     |      \           fan.128_ascii
                                       /      |       \          fan.256_ascii
                                      /       |        \
                                     /        |         \
                                    /         |          \ 
                  (2) make_ascii (directory)  |  (1) make_bin (directory)
                  --------------------------  |  ------------------------
                     list.ascii (files)       |     list.bin (files)
                  --------------------------  |  ------------------------
                   Recreate fan_64.ascii      |  Create fan.64_bin file
                   from fan.64_bin using      |  from fan.64_ascii file
                   itoa.c which sets the      |  using itoa.c . 
                   format to a field of       |
                   (20(1x,i3)) which is the   |
                   required format used by    |
                   the make_hdf directories.  |
                           (3) make_hdf (directory)
                           /                     \
                          /                       \
                         /                         \
 make_sds_hdf (directory)            make_ris_hdf (directory) 
 ------------------------                     ------------------------
         list.c_programs (files)               list_ris_hdf (files)
         ------------------------              ------------------------
          Create scientific data                Create raster image set
             sets (sds) 3-D HDF files            (ris) 2-D HDF files to
              to be viewed by Spyglass            be viewed by Spyglass
               and NCSA visual software            and NCSA visual software

         wave_procedures (unsupported)
         A collection of PV-Wave procedures that are used to construct
         fan ascii files from fan.ub (unsigned binary) and display these files
         in a variety of formats.

Click image to return to Visualization home page.

R.D. Kriz
Va. Tech
College of Engineering
Revised 02/11/95
