Laboratory for Scientific Visual Analysis
Access, Policies and Procedures

To get access to the Viz Lab contact:
Lab Manager: R.D. Kriz at voice (CAVE office 231-2062), email:

Students are asked to contact John Kelso the first day of class and send him their Hokie Passport ID (please indicate if this is the first, second, or third card that was issued)

The lab has an open door policy from 8am - 5pm weekdays when someone in is the lab, otherwise the doors must be kept locked. With a minimum of security we want to provide the students and faculty on campus open access to state-of-the-art hardware and software for creating scientific visualization and multimedia projects in both research and education. . We intend to keep the rules to a minimum and to focus our energies on project development. To maintain a predictable working environment some rules are required, however, and these are listed below for your reference. These same policies and procedures are outlined in the "Laboratory Brochure".

Viz Lab Rules