Production Information
Computer Systems
Unless otherwise specified, Macintosh Quadras (950, 900, or
700) were used throughout the development of this project.
Data Acquisition and Manipulation
All phase-shifting interferometry data was acquired and converted to
displacements on an i486 PC type computer using the program
"Fringe", an analysis package produced at the Idaho National
Engineering Laboratory for the U. S. Air Force. Spyglass
Transform was used to manipulate the displacement data. Included in
this manipulation was geometry assignment, cropping, smoothing,
differentiation, and image production. SVELT data was produced on an
IBM RISC6000 computer at AdTech Systems Research, Inc. in
Ohio by the SVELT program.
Image Production and Manipulation
Strain data images were produced using Spyglass Transform.
Custom palettes were constructed using NCSA's PalEdit program.
The animations of strain data were produced using Spyglass Format.
All fringe images were photographed using Kodak Technical Pan
sheet film and were scanned into the computer using Adobe Photoshop's
ScanMaker PlugIn and a ScanMaker scanner. The damage
photographs were taken using a digital camera attached to a microscope and
manipulated in Adobe Photoshop. The mean difference summary
chart was produced in Kaleidagraph. MacDraw Pro was used
to make several schematics. It was also used in conjunction with
Spyglass Transform and Adobe Photoshop to produce the
smoothing procedure charts. Miscellaneous other drawings, backgrounds,
and manipulations were made in Adobe Photoshop and
MacroMedia Director's Paint. All production and direction of this
project was accomplished with MacroMedia Director.