Electronic transformers and inductors in power electronic circuits are often constructed using ferrite core material as the flux-steering medium. The ferrite material is characterized by moderately high magnetic permeability, low electrical conductivity and high relative permittivity. While the net magnetic flux contained in the ferrite core is a function of the circuit operating conditions, the spatial distribution of this flux -- the flux density function -- can be a strong function of the core geometry and/or the core's physical properties. This project uses a finite element numerical solution to examine the flux distribution in two different ferrite core shapes. The effect of material characteristics on the flux density distribution is examined in order to illustrate that standing waves of magnetic flux can be established within the core under appropriate conditions.
Here are three movies that illustrate this point. It is easiest to see if you download them and play them in a loop.
The Real U Core is constructed out of five bar magnents with the longest being wider than the rest and the boundary layer effects are taken into consideration. The Ideal U Core has the same geometry, but with no boundary conditions.Glenn Skutt, Electrical Engineering
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