This page goes through an explanation of how to load the inventor files you created using capVTE into the cave. To find out more about the Virginia Tech CAVE go to their website HERE.
To load the inventor files created using capVTE into the Virginia Tech Cave you need to do the following two commands
% export DPF_DSO_FILES=vtCaveGroup:wandlight
% diversifly -- length 0.9 -- origin 0 500 0 0 0 0 hct_model.inv
The DSO vtCaveGroup loads the settings to run the file in the Virginia Tech CAVE.
The DSO wandlight loads a flashlight that shines out of the wand.
The command "length" is the scaling factor.
The command "origin" places the location where the the image starts. Origin is in the following format:
x direction (right wall) y direction (front wall) z direction (top wall)
heading (or yaw ) pitch roll