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Universal Dataset Number 2413

Name:   Result type definition
Status: Current
Owner:  Simulation
Revision Date: 7-AUG-1992     
Record 1:        FORMAT(2I10)
                 Field 1       -- result type number
                 Field 2       -- data characteristic of result type
                                   0: Unknown
                                   1: Scalar
                                   2: 3DOF Vector
                                   3: 6DOF Vector
                                   4: Symmetric tensor
                                   6: Stress resultant
Record 2:        FORMAT(20A2)
                 Field 1       -- Result type full name
Record 3:        FORMAT(7A2)
                 Field 1       -- Result type short name
Record 4:        FORMAT(9I5)
                 Field 1-9     -- Unit code for data components
Note: User defined result types begin with a tag of 1000.
      Unit codes for record 4 
                -1: Unused
                 0: No conversion
                 1: Length           
                 2: Force            
                 3: Temperature      
                 4: Area             
                 5: Volume           
                 6: Mass             
                 7: Mass density     
                 8: Energy (work)    
                 9: Pressure               
                 10: Area moment of inertia 
                 11: Mass moment of inertia 
                 12: Compliance             
                 13: Torque                 
                 14: Force/Length           
                 15: Force/Volume           
                 16: Convection coefficient 
                 17: Conductivity           
                 18: Heat source            
                 19: Heat flux/Area         
                 20: Heat flux/Length       
                 21: Enthalpy               
                 22: Mass/Length            
                 23: Length ** 6            
                 24: Mass/Area              
                 25: Coef. of thermal exp   
                 26: Force/(Length ** 2)    
                 27: Heat flux/Volume       
                 28: Coeff. of torsional stress               
                 29: Specific heat          
                 30: Thermal capacity per unit area              
                 31: Temperature/Length     
      1100        3
    9    9    9   13   13   13   -1   -1   -1           

(c) 2000 Structural Dynamics Research Corporation