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Bond T. A., et. al. The NSTAR Ion Propulsion Subsystem for DS1. 1999. AIAA Paper 99-2972. 48pp.

Birdsall C. K., and A. B. Langdong. Plasma Physics Via Computer Simulation. 1991. IOP Publishing. 480pp.

Brieda L., and J. Pierru. Development of a Virtual Testing Environment and Applications to Spacecraft Electric Propulsion. 2003. AIAA Student Conference. 7pp.

Wang J., D. Brinza., and M. Young. Three-Dimensional Particle Simulations of Ion Propulsion Plasma Environment for Deep Space 1. 2000. AIAA. Spacecraft and Power. 7pp.

Tecplot Photo Gallery. Amtec. <http://www.amtec.com/plotgallery/streamtraces/streamtracesgallery.html>. Accessed Apr 29 2003.