VRML file format being so portable and comprising of just text has a great potential to be expanded in the Architectural design process as a
Distributed Virtual reality application. Use of Immersive Virtual reality in the Architectural design process became quite popular after the
advent of the VRML 1.0 file format and the development of CAVE hardware as well as associated software to load the models. This was
possible due to the fact that OPEN INVENTOR and VRML 1.0 are closely linked together and VRML 1.0 can be changed to the OPEN
INVENTOR by just changing the Header of
the file. and hence can be loaded in to the CAVE by the performer Navigator
There were several projects which demonstrated the use of AUTOCAD MODELS in CAVE using the conversion utility dxf to iv. The OPEN
INVENTOR files can then be directly read
into the CAVE using the pfnav application written using Performer.
The OPEN INVENTOR 1.0 models which are "static" in nature with no interactivity associated with them are pretty much limited to just
visualization. VRML 1.0 's limitations can be over come by introducing the VRML 2.0 usage in the CAVE. Currently the VRML 1.0 is used in a
passive way in the CAVE by loading the
converted Open Inventor models into the Cave Collaborative Console, The
pfnav or the saranav.