Compresses the data set with the specified compression method. |
Return value
Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise. |
SDsetcompress compresses the data set identified by the parameter sds_id according to the compression method specified by the parameter comp_type and the compression information specified by the parameter c_info in C and comp_prm in Fortran. SDsetcompress compresses the data set data at the time it is called, not during the next call to SDwritedata. |
SDsetcompress is a simplified interface to the HCcreate routine and should be used instead of HCcreate unless the user is familiar with working with the lower-level routines. |
The parameter comp_type is the compression type definition and is set to COMP_CODE_RLE (or 1) for run-length encoding (RLE), COMP_CODE_SKPHUFF (or 3) for Skipping Huffman, COMP_CODE_DEFLATE (or 4) for GZIP compression, or COMP_CODE_NONE (or 0) for no compression. |
The parameter c_info is a pointer to a union structure of type comp_info. This union structure is defined as follows: |
| typedef union tag_comp_info
/* Not used by SDsetcompress */
} jpeg;
/* Not used by SDsetcompress */
} nbit;
{ /* struct to contain info about how to compress size of the
elements when skipping */
intn skp_size;
} skphuff;
{ /* struct to contain info about how to compress or decompress
gzip encoded dataset how hard to work when compressing
intn level;
} deflate;
} comp_info;
The skipping size for the Skipping Huffman algorithm is specified in the field c_info.skphuff.skp_size in C and in the parameter comp_prm(1) in Fortran. |
The deflate level for the GZIP algorithm is specified in the c_info.deflate.level field in C and in the parameter comp_prm(1) in Fortran. |