Scientific Visual Data Analysis and Multimedia
Assignment #5:
Glyph Representation of Eigenvalue Problems
Due: one week for the day it was assigned
Part I (100pts):
Generate three different ellipsoid glyphs
GIVEN: Exercise#10: Examples of a rotating cube ("box") and tetrahedron
glyphs written with PV-Wave procedure files. Also there is a FORTRAN program for
generating vertices and polygon files and several PV-Wave procedure files that
read the vertices and polygon files which are then used to generate the shaded
surface glyphs. The procedure files that rotate these shaded glyphs give the
viewer's "mind's eye" an opportunity to view the third dimension. These files
are located in the directory
/optical/ESM4714/examples/poly/sphere on your optical disk.
Study the maketp.f FORTRAN program, listed below, which you will need to modify
in this assignment to include a subroutine function that varies the radius as a
function of dimensions: a,b and c and angles: phi and theta. A schematic figure
showing these geometrical glyph parameters is also provided in the class handout
that will help you understand how to modify the maketp.f program to include the
case when a, b, c, are not all equal to the radius.
- FORTRAN program maketp.f
- ____________________________________________________________________________
- Program maketp
- open(6,file='maketp.out',status='unknown',err=8888)
- open(7,file='vert.dat',status='unknown',err=8888)
- open(8,file='poly.dat',status='unknown',err=8888)
- comment: set geometric parameters
- nphi=9
- rphi=360.0
- ntheta=9
- rtheta=180.0
- comment: comment out statement radius=1.0 (radius of a sphere)
- pi=acos(-1.)
- dthetar=(rtheta/(ntheta-1))*pi/180.0
- dphir=(rphi/(nphi-1))*pi/180.0
- comment: start do loops
- ivert=0
- phir=0.0
- do 200 iphi=1,nphi
- thetar=0.0
- do 100 itheta=1,ntheta
- comment: modify the radius where "e" is a function of phir,thetar,a,b,c
- radius=e(phir,thetar,a,b,c)
- comment:
- vert1=radius*sin(thetar)*cos(phir)
- vert2=radius*sin(thetar)*sin(phir)
- vert3=radius*cos(thetar)
- write(7,250)vert1,vert2,vert3
- (etc.)
CONSTRUCT: a glyph of an ellipsoid with three different axes
corresponding to the three eigenvalues a,b,c: (a,b,c)=(1.0,1.0,1.0), (5.0,1.0,1.0), (1.0,2.0,3.0).
Make a PV-Wave procedure file for each of the three cases where the glyph rotates
360 degrees similar to the sphere example.
Logon to username: homework, password: to be handed out in class.
Create a directory with your lastname:
Put a copy of your files, , in your lastname directory.
Also put a copy of a text file lastname.txt with your comments on
homework assignment#5. Print a copy of your files and also hand these copies in
at class on the due date.
Your grade will be based on your observations and conclusions in addition to how
well your procedure files work when I rotate your three glyphs. In other words,
how clearly can I see the three eigenvalues ("visual display of quantitative
information": physics) as the glyph rotates. Your grade will not be based on
your programming skills although brevity, clarity, and meaningful comment
statements will be appreciated as I review your procedure files.
Click image to return to Visualization home page.
Ronald D. Kriz
College of Engineering
Virginia Tech
Revised 01/10/99