Scientific Visual Data Analysis and Multimedia
Assignment #1: Web Resume
Due: One week from the day it was assigned
Part I (90 pts):
Create a Personal Resume on the Web
Contact the Virginia Tech webmasters and request a filebox (see: if you don't already have one.
With handouts passed out in class and web links listed below, create a simple
one page resume in html format and put your web resume in your filebox.
Email me your filebox web resume URL so that I can link to and grade
your resume. If you already have a filebox I'd suggest that you create a
seperate directory named ESM4714 and put all your class related
material in this directory which will facilitate access to your files for
this class.
Comment: Now you have a filebox that you can use for your other
homework assignments and class project. Your filebox has a memory size limit
so use your optical disk when you are working with large data sets used for
visualization but use your filebox to backup your smaller essential files.
Remember don't use your optical disk as backup only, it is rare that data is
lost but assume either the hard disk on the SMVC workstations can crash and
your optical disk can get stolen, now what do you do. REMEMBER: WE DO NOT
BACKUP YOUR FILES ON THE SMVC MACHINES. This is why we strongly suggest that
you store your essential files in your file box. The university routinely
backs-up all of the fileboxes. Your filebox is your only reliable
Part II (10pts):
Post your results on the homework account
Logon to any Sparc20 in the SMVC, username: homework,
password: _______ to be handed out in class.
Change directories "cd" into the directory-name "assign#1" and create a new
directory with your "lastname". Your directory path should look like this:
(~homework/assign#1/your-last-name). Now ftp your resume and all files
associated with your resume into the directory with your lastname.
Some Helpful Links:
Comment: Your grade will be based on layout and readability. Your grade will not be
based on your programming skills although brevity, clarity will be appreciated.
There are some good examples in last years' 1997 Class Projects summary.
Click image to return to Visualization home page.
R.D. Kriz
College of Engineering
Virginia Tech
Revised 07/24/00