Kitami Institute of Technology
June 14 - July 14, 1996

Sponsored by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

The trip was sponsored by JSPS and my host was Professor Toshiyuki Oshima from Kitami Institute of Technology (KIT). Professor Oshima was a visiting Professor at Virginia Tech in 1990 and worked with Professor Kriz on simulation modeling and visualization of stress wave propagation problems. Professor Kriz visited Kitami Institute of Technology in the Summer of 1996 and worked with Professors Oshima and Mikami the first two weeks by setting up an httpd web server for the Department of Civil Engineering. The third week Dr. Kriz gave seminars at Sapporo, Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. The fourth week Dr. Kriz finished the web server and provided information on this server for the exchange program between Kitami Institute of Technology and Virginia Tech. A final report for the JSPS was prepared and linked to the KIT Civil Engineering web server.


Revised May 6, 1997