NCSA Partnership in Advance Computational Infrastructure Proposal
Virginia Tech is participating on the NCSA Partnership for Advanced Computational
Infrastructure Proposal. For more information contact :
- Ken Reifsnider for Materials Applications
- Jack Carroll for Human Computer Interactions
- Ronald Kriz for Visualization
and CAVE programs.
- FromSmarr28Mar97 Message from Larry Smarr, PACI WAS ACCEPTED.
- Information on NCSA-PACI Alliance / Virginia Tech /
VT-PACI Proposal
- PACI Alliance Quarterly Status Report, May 1, 1998.
- PACI Alliance98 / VT-Presentation
- NCSA-PACI (John Toole) and ODU (Glen Wheless and Cathy Lascara)
visit Virginia Tech's CAVE to discuss future collaboration.
- PACI Alliance Quarterly Report, June 22, 1998
- VT visits ODU to discuss PACI collaboraiton and together we visit NASA
Langley Research Center for possible NASA ISE collaboration.
December 12, 1998.
- PACI Alliance Quarterly Report, January 21, 1998 /
Summary of LIMBO awarness tools
Last Revision June 22, 1998