Office of Naval Research
Kenneth Reifsnider, Principle Investigator, 1998-2003
Warren Stutzman, Principle Investigator, 2003-2004
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
Background: Our objective is to provide a distributed collaborative network of graphical and device independent tools in a shared virtual environment which can be used by Command and Control (C&C) personnel to gain a strategic advantage. In year-one we focused on cognitive processes that could be used in tactical decision making processes and the creation of shared collaborative virtual environments such as the CAVE Collaborative Console ( CCC). In year-two we focused on the mission critical C&C interpretation of acoustic undersea data from towed arrays for the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) using the CONRAY simulation models. These simulation models can be extended to "real-time" data acquisition systems. Under the direction of personnel from NUWC and the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) we have identified a working prototype, "MIX", which we have successfully incorporated into our Device Independent Virtual Environment Reconfigurable-Scalable-Extensible ( DIVERSE) tool that works in stereo in the (C)AVE Automated Virtual Environment (CAVE), Immersive Work Bench (IWB), Immersive Desk (I-Desk), desktop workstation simulator, and Head Mounted Display (HMD) systems at the Virginia Tech Center for Virtual Environments and Visualization (CVEV), hence the idea of "DIVE" (Device Independent Virtual Environment). The DIVE in DIVERSE provides the basis for collaborative C&C. In the third year this research has become part of the NUWC-TALOSS (Three-dimensional Advanced Localization-Observation Submarine System) project. A summary of the TALOSS project was compiled by our principal programmer, Mr. Fernando das Nevers, who is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer Science.
ONR BAA 98-014:
SubVE/TALOSS Code Documentation,
TALOSS-DGL download (65.3Mbytes),
TALOSS-DGL Snapshots