Development of Iron/Carbon Compositions

Before any other type of determination of phases can be done there must be a way to obtain all of the different percent compositions in the Iron/Carbon system. For my section of the experimental group part of the project I will explain how metallurgists come up with these compositions. The two main methods being, creating a specific composition ,and using diffusion to obtain all of the compositions possible in one experiment.

Pictue of molten steel.
(Figure #1: The creation of different compositions)

The first method of creating compositions is the diffusion method. In the case of Iron/Carbon blocks of pure carbon and pure iron would be used. When the diffusions is carried out all of the possible compositions are arrived at. This section would be linked to the diffusion project in order for the students to get a better idea of how diffusion works. The different methods of determining exact chemical composition will then be discussed. After this section a picture of a diffusion setup will be displayed (If one can be found) and a picture of a composition gradient between the carbon and iron blocks will be displayed in order to show where the different compositions would lie in the blocks. This diagram will have to be created or found somewhere. What I have in mind is two blocks in contact with pure carbon on one side starting at black going to pure iron on the other side ending at yellow with the full range of colors in between and a percent composition scale below.

Diffusion Block Set Up
(Figure #2: Diffusion block setup)

Diffusion Gradient In Iron/Carbon
(Figure #3: Composition gradient for Iron/Carbon diffusion)

The next section that will be discussed will be the creation of specific concentrations alone. This is done by simple mixing and testing until the correct composition is reached. This method would be needed in a region where there is much change in the phases when there is little change in percent composition.

There will be links to different parts of the project added as I see how the rest of it is coming together and how it might complement this section. There is also the possibility of adding more pictures if I find some apporpriate ones.

If you wish to give me some input or any sort of ideas feel free to e-mail me at
This Outline Prepared by Jeffrey M. Haeberle
Last update: 4/15/96

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