Scientific Visual Data Analysis and Multimedia
Exercise #1: Internet skills and remote visualization
Internet Software:
(1) file transfer: secure file transfer protocol (sftp) and
(2) remote visualization: X-DataSlice (xds), secure shell
(ssh) with X-windows.
Understand how to logon to a remote workstation using ssh,
transfer a data file to and from a remote workstation using sftp,
run a graphics application (e.g.xds) on a remote workstation but
transfer xds images back to your local workstation running X-Windows.
NOTE: Highlighted italic text denotes user response.
- Logon to a SMVC workstation (mercury ->
This is called your local workstation.
- Mount your optical disk
procedure for mounting scsi devices)
- Go into the ESM4714 directory either on your optical disk or in
your home directory.
On your optical disk: %
cd /rmdisk/rmdisk0/ESM4714/examples/brown/make_hdf
In your home directory: %
cd ~username/ESM4714/examples/brown/make_hdf
NOTE: If you do not have an ESM4714 directory either on your
optical disk or home directory create one (If you don't have an
optical disk, you can get a blank optical disk upon request by
Procedure for creating a ESM4714 directory on your optical disk and
home directory.
- "sftp" to a the homework account on a remote workstation: (sftp is used here as a verb)
% sftp (e.g. mars is the remote workstation).
When you "sftp" to a remote workstation you are required to logon:
- Connecting to
-'s password: homework-password given in class
The system will respond with the prompt sftp>
Try creating a new directory, changing directories and list the files in that directory
- sftp > mkdir WorkSpace (create a directory named WorkSpace)
- sftp > cd WorkSpace (move into the directory WorkSpace)
- sftp > ls (list all files in the present working directory, of coures it's empty)
- sftp > pwd (list the name of the Remote working directory)
- NOTE: Not all UNIX system commands or wild characters will work at the sftp
for example ls -lag will not work but the simpler version
ls will work. If at anytime you
forget the possible choice of
commands, type sftp > ?
The following command sequence assumes you are presently in the directory
/rmdisk/rmdisk0/ESM4714/examples/brown/make_hdf on the local workstation
and on the remote workstation you are in the directory Workspace.
- To transfer the binary HDF file "brown.hdf" from the local workstation to the remote workstation.
sftp > put brown.hdf
NOTE: The OLD ftp command ftp > mput *.hdf
allowed multiple HDF file transfers.
The OLD ftp command mput excepted a wild character * and saved alot of
time where each file transfer queried the user (y/n) before the transfer was
intitiated. Unfortunately there is NOT an equivalent sftp command
as it works on the SMVC workstations but on the Linux OS there is. To transfer
multiple files the "scp" (secure copy) command will work. To learn more about
how to use scp do a man-pages on scp: > man scp.
- Quit sftp
sftp > quit
The file brown.hdf should have been successfully transfered to the WorkSpace directory
on the student homework account and ready for the next step -- "remote visualization".
Procedure: Remote visualization using ssh and X-windows
Try this procedure first with two workstations in the SMVC and then try it with a
SMVC workstation and a remote site workstation. Lets arbitrarily choose
mars and venus as our two workstations in the SMVC. Find a partner and logon to
each other accounts on different workstations.
- Add another workstation to the xhost list. This is not necessary since ssh
does this for you automatically but it's good to know.
- If you are on mars % xhost or just
% xhost venus
- If you are on venus % xhost or just
% xhost mars
- Logon to the remote workstation where the file "brown.hdf" was sent by sftp.
- NOTE: Here we assume you are logged onto venus and you want to remotely
visualize what your are doing on mars back to venus, which is the workstation
you are sitting at. Recall you sftp'd the brown.hdf file onto mars.
- % ssh -X (where you sftp'd the brown.hdf file)
- (Here -X parameter is not necessary but if used, forces
images to be transfered back to your local workstation)
- NOTE: Because the way the SMVC workstations are setup there is no need to
to remotely logon to another SMVC workstation, since you can logon on to your
account from any of the SMVC workstations. Our motivation here is for
demonstration purposes only. However this procedure is necessary when you connect
to a remote workstation outside the SMVC. This is why we suggest you find a partner
and logon to two different accounts in the SMVC to check that this procedure works.
- HISTORICAL NOTE: The ssh logon automatically sets up the X-Windows DISPLAY
environmental variable so the X-images get transferred back to the remote
Prior to ssh, telnet was used to remotely logon to another
workstation where the DISPLAY
environmental variable had to be defined to
send images back to your local workstation.
- For Example:
- % setenv DISPLAY (for transfering images back to mars)
- % setenv DISPLAY (for transfering images back to venus)
- NOTE: you must append the workstation internet name with a :0.0. This an X-window
protocol where you can control window attributes by using numbers different than 0.0.
- Start NCSA's XDataSlice on the remote workstation
- % xds (xds instructions: exercise#5)
- NOTE: the X-windows that appear on your local workstation are actually
running on the remote workstation. Choose and open brown.hdf on the remote
workstation window and try drawing a few simple images in xds. Although the
xds application is rather straight forward we created exercise#5 on how to use xds. Here we also assume you have
a copy of xds in your ~/bin directory. If you don't let us know and we will
install xds in your ~/bin directory.
All applications that use X-windows on other workstations in the VT-CAVE lab
should transfer images the same as was done in our xds example.
With these skills you can transfer visual information between any two
UNIX workstations (SGI, SUN, Linux, the VT-CAVE computer, etc.) where you can
now run and view applications that are foreign to your own workstation. This is
the begining of knowing how to synergistically use other resources on other
computers via the network. Later we will learn how to use AVS where the
application is constructed from a network of modules that can be executed
remotely across the network: This approach enables researchers to share their
results over the network and creates "distributed visualization" environment.
As you learn how to use other tools try this same
method using PV-Wave or AVS. Try accessing other resources by using the network. This may
come in handy when don't feel like walking over to the Viz Lab or the SMVC classroom on a cold winter
day or when you walk into the Viz Lab and someone is on the machime you want to
use: in that case just find a free workstation and use the procedure above to run
your application.
Procedure: Introduction to UNIX (by Joe Vandyke)
Here are notes prepared by Joe VanDyke, Who was a guest lecturer January 28, 1997.
Joe has prepared some useful web page summaries for his lecture and are
posted here as a reference.
- Intoduction to UNIX
Download PDF file of Instroduction to UNIX
Click image to return to Visualization home page.
R.D. Kriz
Virginia Tech
College of Engineering
Revised 01/10/03